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EU, Expertise France Groupe meet MLGDRD on Sustainable Cities Project

The European Union (EU), Expertise France Groupe, and the Ministry of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD) have initiated dialogue with five Municipal Assemblies (MAs) to implement the Sustainable Cities Project in the northern regions of Ghana.

The implementing MAs of the Sustainable Cities Project are Wa in the Upper West Region,  West Gonja in the Savannah Region, Yendi in the Northern Region, Bolgatanga in the Upper East Region, and East Mamprusi in the North East Region.

This came to light when the EU and Expertise France called on the Ministry in Accra on 27th of May 2024 on the Project execution and the intervention needed and also update the Ministry on Expertise France Groupe introductory meeting with the five beneficiary Municipal Assemblies (MAs) in April 2024.

The Project manager Jihane Rangama, expressed her gratitude to the Ministry for the support during the visit to the MAs and called for the same in the recruitment of human resources to implement the Project.

The Director in charge of Local Governance and Decentralisation at the Ministry, Mr. Samuel Seth Passah, was hopeful that the interventions in the Project for the MAs would help the poor, improve local economic development, create job opportunities for the youth, and improve the livelihood of women in the implementing Municipal Assemblies.

The Project was slated to be launched in September 2024 at Tamale in the Northern Region.


Source:    Rhodaline Abba
                  (Public Relations, MLGDRD)


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