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GSCSP: World Bank Implementation Support Mission ends in Northern Ghana

A world Bank Implementation Support Mission (ISM) field visit on the Ghana Secondary Cities Support Program (GSCSP) has ended in the Northern, Upper East and North East regions, as part of efforts to ensure a systematic assessment of progress of the GSCSP and ultimately ensure its successful implementation.

The technical mission which sought to ascertain issues emanating from the implementation of the GSCSP and advance technical recommendations to maximise project success kickstarted on Monday, May 13 and ended   on Friday, May 17, 2024.


The technical mission team comprised a delegation from the World Bank, led by Madhu Ragunath, Practice Manager of the Ghana Secondary Cities Support Programme (GSCSP), and the Ministry of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD) including the Programme Coordinator for GSCSP at the ministry, Raphael Edu-Gyan.


Some project sites visited on the mission include the construction of a 43% complete 2-storey 60No. Lockable stores at the Yendi Central Market, a 48% complete External Works (Paving of walkways, Car and Lorry Park at the Yendi Central Market); and the Construction of a 49% complete 0.45 Kumfong Link Road and the Provision of Pedestrian Lay-Bys in Yendi, all in the Yendi Municipality in the Northern region.


In the Sagnarigu Municipal Assembly, also in the Northern region, the team visited a project site for the construction of a 15% complete 235m x 4.5 x 1.5m Reinforced concrete Storm Drain at Kalpohini; a 50% complete 0.9km Road with Drains, Road Marking, Streetlights at Katarina off the Tamale - Kumbugu Road; a 37% complete 2-Storey 40No. Lockable Stores, 24No. Lockable Stores, 2-Storey Banking Facility and External Works (Paving of Lorry Parks) at Jisonayili; and a 38% complete 2-Storey 22No. Lockable Stores, Police Post, Crèche, Clinic, 72No. Stalls, Butchery, Rehabilitation of Washrooms, also at Jisonayili.


Project sites visited in the Bolgatanga Municipal Assembly in the Upper East region, were the construction of a 55% complete 1.2km Road from Akutatingane Junction (Off the Bolgatanga-Bongo Road to Bolga ECOMOG Junction through the Bolga SOE Doctors Bungalows (with Bitumen Sealing), 0.6 U-Drains and the Provision of 40No. Metal Street Poles and 40No. LED Street Lamps, to provide security in the Bolgatanga Municipality, and a Mechanical Enclave project site.


Other project sites visited situated in the East Mamprusi Municipal Assembly in the North East Region, were the construction site of a 65% complete 1No. 2-Storey Multipurpose Block comprising of Passenger Waiting Area, Ticketing Rooms, Offices, Police Post, Fire Post, Washrooms and External Paving Works (2400 sq.m) at Nelerigu Transport Terminal, a 65% complete 2-Storey Commercial Building, Drain and Paving at Nalerigu.

The construction site of a 40% and 39% complete 2-Storey 80 No. Lockable Stores; and a 72 No. Stalls, 20-Seater Toilet Facility and External Works, respectively, were also visited in the municipality.


Following the visit to project sites in every assembly was a lengthy discussion on impeding implementation issues identified after which technical recommendations were given.

The various RCCs and municipalities appreciated the World Bank and the Ministry for the numerous interventions in the region and pledged unwavering commitment to ensuring a successful completion of every project in their jurisdiction. They were hopeful that the technical recommendations given them would go a long way to provide technical backstopping to the projects and to a greater extent scale up effective and efficient implementation.


The development objective of the Ghana Secondary Cities Support Program (GSCSP) is to improve urban management and basic urban services in participating Municipal Assemblies (MAs) and it is funded by a credit facility from the World Bank.




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